Who wouldn't want a picture with this sign?
Hi Family!
Another great and very busy week!
Tuesday morning, after our weekly meeting with President Jones, we headed up to Mt. Pleasant for our first trade-off of the week. I stayed with Elder Tyler Merrell at CMU (Central Michigan University). We had a terrific day on campus; tons of people were willing to talk to us and many of them set up appointments with the elders. We also got to teach a girl I knew (I watched her team play soccer once or twice) through a member family in Shelby. The elders ran into her on campus and she said she had some Mormon friends and would be willing to learn more. She's been taught several times and we had a really solid lesson with her. She seemed very intent on finding out for herself if the Book of Mormon and the message of the restored gospel are true.
Wednesday Elder Barney drove back up with Elder Taylor (with whom he'd been on a trade-off) and picked me up so we could drive to Petoskey for another trade-off. I spent the day in Petoskey with Elder Brad Knutson. We saw a few of their potential investigators, taught a few lessons, and did a good spot of finding. It was fun to be back in that area one more time.

Little Traverse Bay in Petoskey
Thursday we wrapped up our trade-off and then drove down to Grand Rapids in the afternoon. Construction all over the place made the trip exceedingly pleasant. We picked up an elder who was being transferred from Grand Rapids, drove a car over to Muskegon, and then took the transferring elder up to Hart, which will be his new area. Through some planning, finagling, and a stroke of luck, we were also able to have dinner there in Shelby with the Myers' and Walborns, which was delicious and very fun. I also briefly stopped by at the Garcias. It would have been nice to have a lot of time and to have been able to visit everybody I knew in that area, but I was happy just getting to be there again for a few hours. It was hard to believe I was there a whole year ago.
Friday morning we had a study with the Grand Rapids zone leaders and then (finally) made it back to Lansing. We had a few good lessons.
Saturday was Lindsey's baptism! It went really well; I've included some pictures:
Elder Barney, Lindsey, and me

Lindsey with her parents

Elder Barney, Lindsey, and me

The members who participated, giving talks and testimony, did a great job; I think Lindsey was able to feel very loved and wanted as a part of our ward. She'll be a great asset. It's been really fun to watch and help her take hold of the gospel. She's happier than she's ever been and her parents have really recognized it too. (They're great people, by the way. We've had dinner with them and visited with them several times.)
Sunday Lindsey was confirmed a member of the Church and received the Holy Ghost. Also exciting!
So ... that was our week. Here's hoping for an even better one.
Love you all,
Elder Cloward
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