We had a very busy and very good week. The most exciting part was probably this weekend's baptism and confirmation. We had a great baptismal service for Levi on Saturday. We had a pretty good turnout from the ward and a lot of his family members were there. The Spirit was really strong and some really good talks were given. I've included a picture.

We also had zone conferences in Mt. Pleasant and Grand Rapids this Wednesday and Friday. I learned some really good things; the Spirit was strong in both of them. Sister Jones gave an awesome talk about things as they really are (see Jacob 4:13). She shared the story of her son Chris' high school basketball experience. He faced a lot of opposition but he always kept in mind his goal of being a successful basketball player and he did what he had to do, even when it was hard, in order to reach that goal. It was an apt allegory for the struggles we have as a mission. I've also been thinking a lot about a talk that was given Wednesday by Brother Lyndon Robison, a former mission president who lives in the Lansing Stake. He talked about the Atonement and about love as the motive for and result of the Atonement. I learned a ton about the doctrine of the Atonement of Christ in just a half hour. And I'm continuing to learn as I reflect on it!
We had a few other really great lessons this week. Our Chinese investigator, Ivy, is way fun to teach. She gave the opening prayer the other day! (She didn't believe in God - at all - a week ago.) She had prayed the night before too. When we asked her how she felt as she prayed, she said it was like having fresh air go through her soul. It's so exciting to help someone make their first steps in recognizing the presence of the Holy Ghost! Other lessons with Ashley and Lindsey also went well. Lindsey is excited and prepared for her baptism this Saturday and Ashley came to the baptism this last weekend. She is starting to take our teaching really seriously and I think she's excited, if nervous, about continuing to learn more and come closer to Christ through the restored gospel.
I love you all! Jesus is the Christ! This is His work!
Elder Joseph Cloward
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