Yet another busy week. I can probably stop beginning my emails that way. From henceforth, please assume I had a busy week. I will no longer include this detail in my weekly emails. :)
We had companion exchanges Wednesday and Friday. Wednesday I was down at Western Michigan University with Elder Maxwell Merritt. He's from somewhere in Davis County. We had a really fun day on campus there; I got a sticker and a pen! We also were able to set up four return appointments with students and taught four lessons. They're doing some really good work down there; I was impressed. Elder Merritt helped me catch a little bit of his fire for the work, which I definitely appreciated. Friday I spent with Elder Brad Sodenkamp in Portland. It was fun to spend the day with him since we served together over a year ago now. We had a few good lessons. They're doing well applying the Lansing Stake's direction to follow Elder Perry's instructions for ward missions. Their whole zone is doing fantastic, largely due to the support of the Stake (as well as some really faithful missionaries and leaders who encourage and support them). 8 out of 10 areas taught 18 lessons or more this week (the Stake and mission have a standard of 20) and one area - the St. Johns branch - taught 44 lessons!
We also got to spend 5 or 6 hours driving from area to area in the Kalamazoo zone delivering mattresses on Thursday. It was a good time. I actually really enjoyed being able to see some of the Spring colors, especially down near Lake Michigan in South Haven and St. Joseph. It's a beautiful part of the country!
The work continues to go well here at MSU. We started teaching a girl this week who is getting baptized on Saturday. She has been taught by the St. Johns elders (where her boyfriend lives) and by the Holt elders (where she lives) but she decided she wants to be baptized in the Young Single Adult ward (where we live). Her name is Mika Rotman; she's a really nice girl and will be a great addition to our ward.
We had an awesome experience yesterday. We received a referral from the Lansing elders, who had met three siblings on a bus. They said they would love to have the missionaries come by some time - their father was a pastor in their home country, Burma. Due to a misunderstanding, the Lansing elders thought their dad was still back in Myanmar, so they sent us, since we teach any interested young adults. We stopped by yesterday, and Peter Khen, the father, greeted us at the door. He speaks very little English, but saw the name "Jesus Christ" on our name badges and invited us in. An immigrant family of ten, they were the most hospitable people I have ever met. They gave us seats on their couch, some of the only furniture in the room, and asked us to share with them about Jesus Christ. We explained, through one of his sons, who interpreted, the basics of the message of the restoration. They were very interested to have a copy of the Book of Mormon in their own language, zomi-chin. (I'm not sure if this is equivalent with Burmese, which may or may not be the name of a language. We'll find out, though, and we're hopeful that the Book of Mormon, or portions of it, has been translated into their language.) After we talked, they brought out a table and served us coffee and delectable French toast (made a little differently than I've had it before). They were initially confused that we refused the coffee, but served us Pepsi instead once we explained that it was for religious reasons. (I detest colas, I think that might have been the second Pepsi of my life, but I figured it was better to just politely accept). As we were about to leave, Peter Khen asked us to pray for him and his family, who all came in and sat around on the floor. The Lansing elders will be visiting them again next Sunday.
I love you all! Thanks for all your prayers and support! I truly do feel the blessings of heaven that come my way because of your faith. Thank you!
Elder Cloward
P.S. The pictures are ...
#186 - Our ride. A 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan. Elder Barney's the soccer mom; I'm just his little MVP.

#188 - Our other ride. We drive her for transfers and - this week - mattress deliveries.

#195 - I got bored while we were driving mattress around ...

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