Things are going well in Oscoda, MI! First things first, we got our transfer calls on Friday - Elder Valentine will be going down to Midland and I will be staying in Oscoda. My new companion will be Elder Sodenkamp, who has spent the last six (and only) weeks of his mission down at MSU in Lansing. I'm a little nervous to be the "experienced" one, but President told me we're officially co-senior, so - thank goodness! - I don't have to take all the responsibility. It should be a lot of fun; I'm excited to meet him tomorrow.
Church was canceled yesterday because of road conditions, so we were told we had to stay in. We got a lot of study done but decided to fly the coop in the evening because conditions weren't as bad as they were supposed to be. We didn't even crash!
Nothing real exciting in the "work" this week; it just keeps going along. Thursday and Friday we had trade-offs with the zone leaders and Elder Valentine found a couple of solid contacts while knocking doors with Elder Seely in East Tawas. It seems that there are many people in our area who are open to learning a little more about our religion, which is fantastic!
I think I forgot to mention my WEST HIGH PRIDE(!!) last week. At zone conference, I discovered that three of the senior missionaries also graduated from West High (in 1959 and 1960) - Elder Horne and Elder and Sister Seeley. If I did mention it, you'll have to forgive my Panther zeal. Also, I found out that Elder Stayner, who is currently serving in the next area over - West Branch - lives on Emerson Avenue! Crazy, no? He went to East! Small world.
Our Branch Christmas Party was Saturday night. It was lots of fun and a great time for Elder Valentine to say goodbye to everyone. The Karn family were very angry with them because we lied to them the day before. They asked us to call them as soon as we found out where we were going. Well, I called them, but due to the encouragement of Elder Price, one of the zone leaders, who served in Oscoda a year ago, I told them Elder Valentine was staying and killing off an elder who only has six weeks left and that I was going to be training while re-opening the Alpena area and serving as a district leader. To my credit as a skilled dealer of deception, they ate it right up. Later, of course, when we confessed our sin, they were rather upset. Elder Valentine says I've lost member trust in this branch. :)
The Karns must not be TOO angry, because they gave us a Christmas tree!

The other picture is from our last district meeting.

From top to bottom and left to right we have: Elder Fortuna (District Leader), Elder Valentine, Elder Yours-Truly, Elder Price (Zone Leader), Elder Wilkinson, Elder Lish, Elder Seely (Zone Leader), and Elder Stayner. Notice how I'm the center of the pyramid. It's because I'm the most important. :)
Lots of love! Have a wonderful holiday season! Sing a Christmas Carol or two just for me! I know it is the Lord's work we are about here in Michigan and He is guiding it!
-Elder Cloward
P.S. It's definitely ending in ice! (The world, that is. We've got lots of it in Michigan right now.)
P.P.S. That's a Robert Frost reference for all you poetry-haters. At least I think it's Robert Frost. I'm not really that well-acquainted with the world of poetry.
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