It's snowed a bunch this past week. Church was canceled again this week because of it - understandably - we decided to go out in it anyway but our car got stuck several times and we almost caught frostbite eleventeen times once we started walking instead, so we spent the evening indoors. Just the same, we were very disappointed that church was canceled because we were planning to have at least four investigators there! I don't know if I mentioned last week that Elder Valentine and Elder Seely, one of the zone leaders, met a man while door-knocking last week who was very interested and has now tried to come to church twice. We plan to see him tomorrow, though, so all is not lost.
The three sisters who are investigating the church are doing so well! We finally met up with them again for a lesson and it was awesome! We challenged them to pray and specifically ask Heavenly Father if it was right for them to be baptized on January 17th and all three of them said they were willing to ask. The Lord has promised that if we ask, we will receive and I trust that they will receive.
I am very excited to call home on Christmas. I will call between noon and 1 our time (so between 10 and 11 your time). I had hoped to be able to wait until grandma and grandpa are with you but our Christmas dinner is at 2, so I'll be busy. I'm excited to hear all your voices again!
In other exciting news, I have a bunch of new pictures attached!
#1 - I'm standing ON Lake Huron! Yep!

#2 - That's me, with our lovely friend the ...

#3 - Possum!

He just sat there while we took pictures of him and after a while he got bored of it and jumped off the landing - about 15 feet off the ground - and scurried off into the bushes. Crazy Michigan varmints!

#4 - That's the lighthouse at Tawas Point, or whatever it's called. We tracted nearby so that we could go and see it.

#6 - I made an ornament for our Christmas tree! It needed a topper, so, who better?

#7 - Thanks for the package! This lovely tree you sent me is set on our kitchen table.

#8 - C'est moi with Elder Sodenkamp, my new companion! You may also notice that I cut my own hair! Fantastic, no?
Things are happy in Michigan. Are they happy where you are? If not, make them happy! "Men (and women) are that they might have joy!"
Lots of love,
Elder Cloward
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