We're expering a much-appreciated Michigan heat wave this week. We got up to a record high of 18 degrees yesterday! Can you believe it? I've had a bit of a cold this last week but the warm weather is really helping me kick it.
I don't have much time to write this week because I've taken a while figuring out how to upload and attach pictures. Since I can't include them directly in the email (with captions), I'll just have to explain them by number.

No. 1: My district back in Petoskey from left to right (Elder Horne, Sis. Horne, Elder Stoddard, Elder Robinson, Elder Williams, Elders Rau & Hatch (the zone leaders), and me!

No. 10: Elder Valentine. We were tracting. Seriously. LOTS of distance between houses sometimes.

No. 11: Me while we're tracting.

No. 12: Hunting and getting haircuts are both popular pursuits for Michiganders.

No. 18: So, I love Michigan. And even Michigan winter. Why? Because it's BEAUTIFUL!! Of course, right after taking this picture we returned to the car, which we subsequently dug and pushed out of a foot of snow. Somehow we thought our little Malibu could do it, no problem. Thankfully, our prayers were answered and a semi-driver pulled over and helped us out. He made us promise we'd keep the car on the road from now on, though. This picture, by the way, was taken at Iargo Springs along River Rd. (in between Oscoda and Hale).
The week was fairly uneventful, really. Zone conference down in Harrison was great, even if I did end up playing the piano most of the time. Although President told us we are dead last in the baptisms-per-missionary category (they will be cutting our mission back by almost 30 missionaries beginning immediately) he says our numbers have been improving, so that November was the best month for our mission since he got here in July.
Saturday I witnessed my first baptism as a missionary! Riley, An eight-year-old branch member was baptized and he asked Elder Valentine and I to give the talks at his service. I spoke on baptism and Elder Valentine spoke on the Gift of the Holy Ghost. It was a very nice service. Matthew, a really cute three-year-old boy who came to the baptism, shouted out "All done!" when Riley came up out of the water. His mom told me that right afterward he turned to her and said "More baptisms!" She told him he'd have to do a little missionary work first.
And we did have some good happen yesterday: The less-active brother we've been working with came to church and had a really great experience! It made up for having no investigators there this week (the snow makes it hard when a lot of them live 30 or more miles away). Not a bad week, but we hope the next will be better.
Love always,
Elder Cloward
More Pictures!

3. A dragon in Kalkaska! (We spent the night there during District Conference in Traverse City)

4. Me with Sherman and Tori (Petoskey - Tori is the investigator there!)

5. Me with the Ellsworths (Petoskey)

6. Why I cleaned the refrigerator in Oscoda. Nasty.

7. The beautiful Au Sable River (Oscoda)

14. I tied a perfect dimple in my tie!!!! You should be excited too!!!

20. The lake (on which the Schroeders live) froze over! (By the way, Sis. Schroeder might come visit you at home. She'll be in Salt Lake in just over a week.)
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