Hello and Happy New Year!
This was a fairly uneventful week, considering we didn't do much work on Christmas Eve or on Christmas Day. Still, it was nice to celebrate the holiday (and especially nice to call home).
Christmas Eve we had district meeting over in West Branch, so it was nice to spend part of it with the other Elders in my district, and then we drove over to Hale where the Karn family fed us and played with us. Afterward we went with them to the local Lutheran candlelight Christmas Eve service. (Although the Karns are LDS, Brother Karn's parents are Lutheran and Brother Karn's daughters were singing in the choir). It was nice. On Christmas we had dinner with Pat Morris and her family. It was so nice of them to share their Christmas with us! When we got back to the apartment, Elder Sodenkamp called his family (you'll recall that I called y'all in the morning) and I worked on a puzzle with a bunch of missing pieces (not the little puzzles you sent me for Christmas; they still have all their pieces). We're totally out of miles for the month, so we've been doing lots of walking. Friday we walked about 6 miles and Saturday we walked almost 15. It wouldn't have been too bad but it warmed up almost to 50 on Saturday, so we were mostly wading through puddles and slush and the snow boots I bought aren't really waterproof. Needless to say, my feet were soaked, so they're still a little raw.
Thank goodness it's a new month on Thursday! Miles again!
We finally had church this Sunday, which was very nice. They ended up doing the Christmas program they had planned for last week. Sis. Drury, the Branch Pianist, had me play the organ while she played the piano (which we do most weeks). For the opening hymn, we both started at different parts of the introduction and it sounded absolutely horrible! Eventually, I figured out what I had done and we got back together. The best part of the meeting was that they ran out of time to have me sing! Unfortunately, Sis. Drury told me later she would just have me sing next week. Apparently, Silent Night is still allowed in January ...
Sadly, we didn't have any investigators in church Sunday. The three sisters we're teaching were out of town for the holiday and nobody else had a good excuse (so far). There was one family we were really hoping (and expecting) would come - we have an appointment with them on Tuesday, so hopefully we'll be able to keep helping them along. Well, I can't think of anything else to report. I'm excited for the New Year - I can't believe I've already been a missionary for 4 months! Love and Happy New Year,Elder Cloward