Monday, August 9, 2010

Boldy, Nobly and Independent

Hi family!

We've been greatly blessed this week by an abundance of the Spirit and by many miracles in our area and throughout the mission. One thing I love about my current assignment is the opportunity to hear of successes in so many places throughout the mission. It leaves me without any doubt that the Lord is driving this work.

Zone Leader Council on Tuesday was great. The Spirit was strong and I learned a lot. President Jones gave some great instruction based on the new simplified curriculum framework which contributed to a discussion we had on boldness. We walked out of that meeting determined to more boldly invite others to come unto Christ, especially focusing on early invitations to be baptized and having kneeling prayers in which investigators themselves offer the prayer. The simplified curriculum more solidly focuses on spiritual conversion and the learning by faith (through exercise of moral agency) required in order to experience a spiritual conversion to become a disciple of Christ.

President Jones also issued the challenge to all mission leaders to have at least two new investigators each week through the rest of August (and then every week after that). Finding new people to teach has continued to be the biggest challenge our mission faces. I am confident, however, that our mission is in a better position to enact positive change than we have ever been. In our own area, we were a little nervous about this challenge by the time Friday rolled around and we found ourselves with no new investigators. So, we made plans, set goals, and prayed in faith, asking the Lord to lead us to those whom He has prepared. Friday I had an exchange with Elder Barney here at MSU. While going door-to-door in Cedar Village (a campus apartment complex) we were invited in by an MSU student named Steve. He's a linguistics major from China who has heard a little about the church because he heard about our temples when he visited Hong Kong and his adviser recommended he attend Brigham Young for graduate school. Anyway, he was great and very open and curious. We're teaching him again tonight. Saturday, back with Elder Taylor, we had a similar experience with a Roman Catholic student from Poland named Martin. He was funny - he was nervous he would offend us asking questions about the South Park episode on Mormonism. We ended up having a really great discussion and he was interested in learning more; we're meeting with him again this next Saturday.

Cameren, a 19-year-old we started teaching through his friend James, who is a less-active member of the church, and their friend Denise, both excitedly set baptismal dates for the 9th of October this week. Cameren is way excited about the church; he came this Sunday and spent the weekend with ward members on a ward campout out by Silver Lake. He had a great time and even shared his testimony at a campfire meeting they had.

I love you all! I love missionary work! (I got to give a talk all about why people should go on missions in church yesterday and had so much fun!) I love the gospel of Jesus Christ! It truly is "the power of God unto salvation, to everyone that believeth" (Romans 1:16)!

Have a great week!

Elder Cloward

A picture of downtown Lansing as we drove down that way last Thursday (above) and a couple pictures from the Ward's wheelchair basketball activity. Lots of fun!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Hi family!

Transfers have come and gone again this week. In spite of having 8 elders going home and 10 elders and 1 sister arriving, it was a relatively light transfer. It didn't reduce our driving any but it at least meant we had fewer missionaries to try to herd around. Tuesday night we had a testimony meeting with the departing missionaries. The Spirit was strong. It was especially meaningful to have two previous companions, Elder Morales and Elder Valentine, departing. It's wonderful to see missionaries honorably complete their missions having faithfully fulfilled their commission to represent the Savior in His work.

Wednesday we dropped missionaries off and picked the new ones up. We have a really great bunch of new missionaries; they're excited and full of faith. Most of them seem to have a solid gospel background and will be able to teach powerfully and effectively very quickly. I'm excited for the good they will be able to do for our mission. (I've included pictures of both the new

and departing missionaries).

We had some really good lessons this week. Alex and Daniel are still progressing well. I don't have time to write any more or I would.

Thanks for all your support!

Elder Cloward

More Pictures!

- The Living Center Elders

- Elder Seely and I sporting our almost-matching ties

- Elder Morales, myself, and Elder Valentine

- Incoming Missionaries with their Trainers

Monday, July 26, 2010

Hello Family!

Since we begin a new transfer period today, I don't have my old planner with me to run down the week's events. We'll see if my brain can recall the week's events without my external harddrive.

Transfer planning dominated a lot of the week but was actually a lot easier than it has been most times. We met with President Jones Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. He had transfers mostly figured out and we all felt good about it fairly quickly. We made a few observations and suggestions and President Jones made a few minor changes. I think it was probably the easiest transfer that we've had while I've been here (at least on our end - I'm sure President Jones put a lot of time and work into it). We still had to figure out a lot of logistics, especially with a number of white-washes (both missionaries replaced in an area at the same time), eleven new trainers, and three new zone leaders. Halfway through the transfer, things will get a little hairy, though; when my transfer leaves, we'll be short eleven missionaries for three weeks until we get our next shipment - fifteen new missionaries! (Every time I think about the craziness the mission has coming up, I'm sure to give Elder Taylor a sympathetic smile).

President and Sister Jones also spoiled us this week with quick trips to a few of their favorite spots that Elder Taylor hadn't yet visited. Tuesday after transfer meeting, they took us up to Frankenmuth for a "taste of Bavaria".
We had Wienerschnitzel and Sauerkraut at the Bavarian Inn, followed by some not-so-bad Apfelstrudel. (at right--The Bavarian Inn in Frankenmuth)

Friday after transfer calls (to which Sister Davis, one of the office sisters, brought Cherry Berry pie and Cherry Vanilla ice cream, which we ate for breakfast), President and Sister Jones took us to Sweetie-licious, where we enjoyed some good sandwiches, and their award-winning blueberry raspberry pie. (The owner, who loves missionaries - she greets us with shouts of "My Mormons!" and hugs - has twelve first-place winning pie recipes from the Crisco National Pie Competition.) Needless to say, the blueberry raspberry pie was to die for. Our dessert excess this week also included treats from my birthday package (thanks again by the way!), the leftovers from Sister Jones' peanut butter pie, and a couple of chocolate cupcakes someone left on our doorstep (no idea who left them).

In spite of all the busyness, we had a great week of missionary work in our own area. We started teaching three new investigators. One, Courtney, is a really cool girl Elder Taylor and Elder Fugleberg met on trade-offs last week at Lansing Community College. She is a believing Christian who feels like she wants to get back on the right path; she's tired of living a double life. Another, Aaron, is a friend of a friend of Ashlie, who was baptized here in June. He is, likewise, a Christian who feels he has drifted away from God and who soaked up the message of the restoration. He's being baptized September 18th if he comes to know our message is true. The third, Denise, is the friend of a less-active member, James, and his friend, Cameron, who is already investigating the church. The three of them are way funny. When we came over Friday night, they were hanging out, trying James' MREs (he's in the army). I had a bite of ... something. It wasn't bad. James tried to give us some gum, but Cameron and Denise spared us the pain of discovering it will dissolve in your mouth because it's a powerful laxative. Apparently Cameron found out the hard way. Anyway, they're all very open and hunger to feel the love of God in their lives. Cameron has really caught on to the Book of Mormon and has been reading it frequently for support and comfort when he's been struggling lately.

We had several really good lessons with Daniel and Alex this week. We talked with Daniel about his concerns with the Word of Wisdom. He says he has no question that the principles are true; he simply doesn't know if he can withstand the pressure he knows he will receive from others to go against his principles and drink. We talked about the opposition Alma and the Sons of Mosiah faced after the time of their conversion and the great blessings that came to them because of their faithful obedience (see Alma 27:32-37). He seemed to appreciate their example and the promise that the Lord would give him the strength he would need and bless him beyond his current understanding. We're still waiting a little bit for their baptism because they haven't been regularly attending church and because Alex wants to wait until Andy, his closest friend in the ward, is back in town (several weeks from now).

I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to serve as a missionary! I love helping people to taste the fruit of the tree of life, or to feel the Love of God in their lives. Truly, "it is the most desirable above all things ... and the most joyous to the soul" (1 Nephi 11:22-23). I love you all!

Elder Cloward

P.S. A few pictures

- Family Home Evening sidewalk chalk activity

- We've had a few really nice sunsets lately.

- The three companionships that live in the LDS Student Living Center went out for IHOP this morning before transfers.

Monday, July 19, 2010

It Ends with Peanut Butter Pie

Hi Family!

We had a pretty good week with a couple of companion exchanges and a bunch of good lessons.

We've taught Daniel and Alex a bunch this week in preparation for their baptism. They have accepted all of the commandments and are striving to live them. It's incredible to see the great faith they have developed as they have experimented on the word and come to trust that obedience to God leads to happiness, peace, and a bright hope. We were planning on having their baptism this next Saturday (the 24th) but will be rescheduling it with them tonight because they didn't make it to church yesterday. Perhaps it is a blessing in disguise that we will be able to spend another week or so helping them fully understand the covenant they will soon be making.

Wednesday and Friday we had exchanges. Wednesday I spent at WMU with Elder Merritt, which was a lot of fun. We had several lessons with members I have taught before while on exchanges. I always enjoy spending time with Elder Merritt; he's a great leader and a great missionary. Friday I got to spend at MSU with Elder Wray. We had some really good lessons (one with a couple of Chinese students we had never taught before - Xiaofeng and Chengru). Elder Wray served at MSU for six months last fall, so it was really fun for him to be able to see some of his old friends. You can really tell the impact a person has had when you see the love that others have for them because of their service. Elder Wray was definitely loved by many of the ward members here.

My birthday was fun. We went to the Lansing Church of God in Christ in the morning - we're teaching an MSU student, Russell, who is a minister there (he gave the invocation this week). The church was very different from any I had ever attended so it was really good to understand better where Russell is coming from. The service was very focused on music, praise, and worship and the people were about as welcoming as any I've ever met. (They had us stand so they could all sing to us while everybody came up and shook our hands.) Afterward, we attended our ward, which was great. Half of the ward went on a quick trip to Palmyra this weekend and got back late Saturday night. Several who went shared testimony - one of whom was a recent convert, Elissa. What a neat experience for her to have been able to have! Kate Johnson also gave a fantastic talk about miracles in our day and in her life. She is a PhD student at MSU and was a professed (and somewhat defiant) atheist until last year when she was baptized. She has an incredible testimony and incredible faith.

After our church meetings,
President and Sister Jones had us over for dinner. President Jones grilled salmon, which was amazing (!), and Sister Jones made a peanut butter pie from Sister Longcore's recipe (the Relief Society President in Hart). It was amazing! A picture, compliments of Elder Taylor, is included.

I love you all!

Have a great week!

Elder Cloward

Monday, July 12, 2010

Corned Beef and Sauerkraut = The Nature of Happiness

Hi Family!

We've had a pretty good week here at MSU. It's been pretty warm this week (highs in the 90s with high humidity) and a little bit rainy. Daniel and Alex are still progressing and doing well. We were able to have several lessons with them and got together with several members from the ward (our ward mission leader set things up for us) to watch the Restoration DVD. I think it helped them better understand our message through a visual representation. Alex had a hard time understanding; I think because the language used in the video matches Joseph Smith-History and not a modern English vernacular. Daniel seemed to understand just fine; I think it helps that he has been reading the Book of Mormon in English, while Alex prefers to read in Chinese.

Zone leader council on Tuesday was fun. We presented the adjustments Salt Lake is making to missions worldwide in order to implement the Simplified Curriculum. I'm really excited for what will take place in the coming year in sharpening missionaries' teaching skills. All the training is focused on clearing away the clutter and making our teaching a better environment for the Spirit to testify of truth. I'm a little sad I won't be able to receive/help with all this training myself, but I'm excited to work as a member with missionaries who are better trained and prepared than I have been. The Spirit made it clear to me that these adjustments and changes are led by the spirit of revelation, which is the foundation of the Church of Jesus Christ. He is at the head of this church and this great redemptive work.

We blitzed Traverse City last Friday, which was a lot of fun. I don't know if I told you about the Silver Swan restaurant we ate at the last time we were there, but they serve the best Reuben Sandwich I've eaten. (To be fair, it probably ties with the Reuben I had when mom and I were in Connecticut visiting Yale.) President Jones recommended the place (and specifically the Reuben) and we ate there the last two times we've been up to Traverse City. In addition to a delicious sandwich, I got to spend the day with Elder Riley, which was really fun. They've a lot of great member missionary work happening in the Traverse City branch and it means they're teaching a ton of investigators. We taught a man who was the husband of a recent convert, a 16-year old adopted son of less-active parents, a member family's neighbor, and a less-active brother with a desire to return to the temple and be sealed to his wife, who is not a member. And Elder Taylor and Elder Johnson were busy teaching the whole day too. It was great!

I love you! Thanks for all your support!

Elder Cloward

Monday, July 5, 2010

Zone Conference and Fireworks

Hi Family!

Sorry, it's been a crazy day, so we just squeezed some time in for email. President Jones called us this morning as we were driving to email and had us come to the office for a meeting instead. The church is introducing a "simplified curriculum" for missionary training based on what they have identified as the most important principles of effective teaching taught in Preach My Gospel. There will be some changes throughout the coming year to facilitate the sort of training they want. In any case, we had to figure out what they're wanting us to do during a morning meeting because we have zone leader council tomorrow and it will be good to present it to the zone leaders right away since most changes will take place immediately.

Our week was great. We had zone conferences Wednesday and Friday in Mt. Pleasant and Grand Rapids, respectively. Elder Taylor and I gave more instruction than I have been used to, which was fun, if a little draining. I especially enjoyed speaking in our district leader / zone leader training meeting. President Jones told us to discuss whatever subjects we felt impressed to and I chose to teach about "joy". This subject has pressed itself upon my mind and my feelings lately and I loved studying in preparation for zone conference. I walked away from the experience with heightened conviction that lasting joy comes only through the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

In preparation for zone conference, President Jones had asked the mission to read and ponder four talks by Elder Maxwell centered on a theme of consecration. As missionaries came prepared it was wonderful to see the things that the Spirit taught us. It is so exciting to see our mission grow in faith and commitment to the Lord.

The Lord blessed us this week by bringing us many successes in our finding! We set up ten return appointments for this coming week, which is the "standard of excellence" set by President Jones. (It has been reached only occasionally and never by one of my companionships).

Daniel and Alex are both doing well. We rescheduled Alex' baptism for July 24th because he was out of town this weekend and needs a little more time to prepare. I think he and Daniel are excited to be baptized on the same day.

I love you all!

Thanks for all your support,
Elder Cloward

P.S. President Jones gave us permission to stay up a little late to watch fireworks and I've attached a couple of photos.

Monday, June 28, 2010

There is an Earwig Somewhere in the Library...

Hello Family!

We had some fun companion exchanges and good work this week!

Wednesday we had an exchange with the Portland elders. Elder Taylor and Elder Valentine worked in the Portland area (and actually had a lesson with Lindsey, who lives in their area but was recently baptized in our singles ward). Elder Andersen came to MSU with me. We had some really great finding on campus and talked with a girl named Felicia from Muskegon, who allowed us to sit down with her and share the message of the Restoration. The lesson was great and the Spirit was strong. Unfortunately, this is finals week for the first summer semester (MSU has two sessions) so she wasn't sure when she could meet again, but she did say that even if we were never able to talk again she would remember our meeting for the rest of her life. We had a similar lesson with a Chinese student named Ray, who really enjoyed our visit but returns to China tomorrow. He said he'd meet back up with missionaries in the fall. (It's a little sad to know I won't be one of those missionaries.) It was also fun to spend a day with Elder Andersen, who was in my MTC district and in the Hart district with me almost a year ago.

Friday we had an exchange with Grandville Spanish. I got to spend the day in Grand Rapids with Elder Morales while Elder Patino came to MSU with Elder Taylor. My Spanish was extremely rusty but Elder Morales was very generously complimentary. We had one lesson in Spanglish, which was nice, but Elder Morales had me teach how Dios revela su evangelio en cada dispensacion (or something like that) in a couple other lessons and he had me quote from Joseph Smith - History as well. Thankfully, in a lesson with Andres, a new investigator they found knocking doors a few days before, it didn't matter that I messed up the quotation a little bit. Andres realized he already knew the Joseph Smith story; he ordered the Restoration DVD from the church a few years ago but never requested missionaries. We had a great lesson; he said he felt that we were sent by God in answer to his prayers. The whole day made me wish I had been called as a Spanish-speaking missionary. But ...

I ought to be content with the things which the Lord hath allotted unto me.
I ought not to harrow up in my desires, the firm decree of a just God, for I know that he granteth unto men according to their desire, whether it be unto death or unto life; yea, I know that he allotteth unto men, yea, decreeth unto them decrees which are unalterable, according to their wills, whether they be unto salvation or unto destruction (Alma 29:3-4).

It was also fun to spend the day with Elder Morales, whom I hadn't seen too much since we served together in Bay City. "And what added more to [my] joy, [he was] still [my brother] in the Lord" (Alma 17:2). (I'm not sure it's good that I've developed a habit of quoting the Book of Mormon in every other breath. Elder Barney once pointed out that weird missionary jokes would probably not be impressive on post-mission dates and Book of Mormon quotes might fit in that category.)

Overall, the week was great. We taught seven new people this week. Three became new investigators (meaning, we'll meet with them again), one moved to Tennessee the day after our lesson, two move back to China this week, and one has finals (hopefully we'll meet again with her afterward). Daniel, who we've taught for several weeks, decided in our lesson this week that he would like to be baptized and we set a date with him for July 24th. Alex, who is scheduled to be baptized July 10th is still progressing and doing really well.

I love you and I'm so grateful for all your love, prayers, and support. I am blessed by your faith and by the goodness of your lives!

Elder Cloward