Hi Family!
Sorry, it's been a crazy day, so we just squeezed some time in for email. President Jones called us this morning as we were driving to email and had us come to the office for a meeting instead. The church is introducing a "simplified curriculum" for missionary training based on what they have identified as the most important principles of effective teaching taught in Preach My Gospel. There will be some changes throughout the coming year to facilitate the sort of training they want. In any case, we had to figure out what they're wanting us to do during a morning meeting because we have zone leader council tomorrow and it will be good to present it to the zone leaders right away since most changes will take place immediately.
Our week was great. We had zone conferences Wednesday and Friday in Mt. Pleasant and Grand Rapids, respectively. Elder Taylor and I gave more instruction than I have been used to, which was fun, if a little draining. I especially enjoyed speaking in our district leader / zone leader training meeting. President Jones told us to discuss whatever subjects we felt impressed to and I chose to teach about "joy". This subject has pressed itself upon my mind and my feelings lately and I loved studying in preparation for zone conference. I walked away from the experience with heightened conviction that lasting joy comes only through the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
In preparation for zone conference, President Jones had asked the mission to read and ponder four talks by Elder Maxwell centered on a theme of consecration. As missionaries came prepared it was wonderful to see the things that the Spirit taught us. It is so exciting to see our mission grow in faith and commitment to the Lord.
The Lord blessed us this week by bringing us many successes in our finding! We set up ten return appointments for this coming week, which is the "standard of excellence" set by President Jones. (It has been reached only occasionally and never by one of my companionships).

Daniel and Alex are both doing well. We rescheduled Alex' baptism for July 24th because he was out of town this weekend and needs a little more time to prepare. I think he and Daniel are excited to be baptized on the same day.
I love you all!
Thanks for all your support,
Elder Cloward
P.S. President Jones gave us permission to stay up a little late to watch fireworks and I've attached a couple of photos.

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