We had a pretty good week with a couple of companion exchanges and a bunch of good lessons.
We've taught Daniel and Alex a bunch this week in preparation for their baptism. They have accepted all of the commandments and are striving to live them. It's incredible to see the great faith they have developed as they have experimented on the word and come to trust that obedience to God leads to happiness, peace, and a bright hope. We were planning on having their baptism this next Saturday (the 24th) but will be rescheduling it with them tonight because they didn't make it to church yesterday. Perhaps it is a blessing in disguise that we will be able to spend another week or so helping them fully understand the covenant they will soon be making.
Wednesday and Friday we had exchanges. Wednesday I spent at WMU with Elder Merritt, which was a lot of fun. We had several lessons with members I have taught before while on exchanges. I always enjoy spending time with Elder Merritt; he's a great leader and a great missionary. Friday I got to spend at MSU with Elder Wray. We had some really good lessons (one with a couple of Chinese students we had never taught before - Xiaofeng and Chengru). Elder Wray served at MSU for six months last fall, so it was really fun for him to be able to see some of his old friends. You can really tell the impact a person has had when you see the love that others have for them because of their service. Elder Wray was definitely loved by many of the ward members here.
My birthday was fun. We went to the Lansing Church of God in Christ in the morning - we're teaching an MSU student, Russell, who is a minister there (he gave the invocation this week). The church was very different from any I had ever attended so it was really good to understand better where Russell is coming from. The service was very focused on music, praise, and worship and the people were about as welcoming as any I've ever met. (They had us stand so they could all sing to us while everybody came up and shook our hands.) Afterward, we attended our ward, which was great. Half of the ward went on a quick trip to Palmyra this weekend and got back late Saturday night. Several who went shared testimony - one of whom was a recent convert, Elissa. What a neat experience for her to have been able to have! Kate Johnson also gave a fantastic talk about miracles in our day and in her life. She is a PhD student at MSU and was a professed (and somewhat defiant) atheist until last year when she was baptized. She has an incredible testimony and incredible faith.
After our church meetings,

President and Sister Jones had us over for dinner. President Jones grilled salmon, which was amazing (!), and Sister Jones made a peanut butter pie from Sister Longcore's recipe (the Relief Society President in Hart). It was amazing! A picture, compliments of Elder Taylor, is included.
I love you all!
Have a great week!
Elder Cloward
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