Since we begin a new transfer period today, I don't have my old planner with me to run down the week's events. We'll see if my brain can recall the week's events without my external harddrive.
Transfer planning dominated a lot of the week but was actually a lot easier than it has been most times. We met with President Jones Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. He had transfers mostly figured out and we all felt good about it fairly quickly. We made a few observations and suggestions and President Jones made a few minor changes. I think it was probably the easiest transfer that we've had while I've been here (at least on our end - I'm sure President Jones put a lot of time and work into it). We still had to figure out a lot of logistics, especially with a number of white-washes (both missionaries replaced in an area at the same time), eleven new trainers, and three new zone leaders. Halfway through the transfer, things will get a little hairy, though; when my transfer leaves, we'll be short eleven missionaries for three weeks until we get our next shipment - fifteen new missionaries! (Every time I think about the craziness the mission has coming up, I'm sure to give Elder Taylor a sympathetic smile).
President and Sister Jones also spoiled us this week with quick trips to a few of their favorite spots that Elder Taylor hadn't yet visited. Tuesday after transfer meeting, they took us up to Frankenmuth for a "taste of Bavaria".

We had Wienerschnitzel and Sauerkraut at the Bavarian Inn, followed by some not-so-bad Apfelstrudel. (at right--The Bavarian Inn in Frankenmuth)
Friday after transfer calls (to which Sister Davis, one of the office sisters, brought Cherry Berry pie and Cherry Vanilla ice cream, which we ate for breakfast), President and Sister Jones took us to Sweetie-licious, where we enjoyed some good sandwiches, and their award-winning blueberry raspberry pie. (The owner, who loves missionaries - she greets us with shouts of "My Mormons!" and hugs - has twelve first-place winning pie recipes from the Crisco National Pie Competition.) Needless to say, the blueberry raspberry pie was to die for. Our dessert excess this week also included treats from my birthday package (thanks again by the way!), the leftovers from Sister Jones' peanut butter pie, and a couple of chocolate cupcakes someone left on our doorstep (no idea who left them).
In spite of all the busyness, we had a great week of missionary work in our own area. We started teaching three new investigators. One, Courtney, is a really cool girl Elder Taylor and Elder Fugleberg met on trade-offs last week at Lansing Community College. She is a believing Christian who feels like she wants to get back on the right path; she's tired of living a double life. Another, Aaron, is a friend of a friend of Ashlie, who was baptized here in June. He is, likewise, a Christian who feels he has drifted away from God and who soaked up the message of the restoration. He's being baptized September 18th if he comes to know our message is true. The third, Denise, is the friend of a less-active member, James, and his friend, Cameron, who is already investigating the church. The three of them are way funny. When we came over Friday night, they were hanging out, trying James' MREs (he's in the army). I had a bite of ... something. It wasn't bad. James tried to give us some gum, but Cameron and Denise spared us the pain of discovering it will dissolve in your mouth because it's a powerful laxative. Apparently Cameron found out the hard way. Anyway, they're all very open and hunger to feel the love of God in their lives. Cameron has really caught on to the Book of Mormon and has been reading it frequently for support and comfort when he's been struggling lately.
We had several really good lessons with Daniel and Alex this week. We talked with Daniel about his concerns with the Word of Wisdom. He says he has no question that the principles are true; he simply doesn't know if he can withstand the pressure he knows he will receive from others to go against his principles and drink. We talked about the opposition Alma and the Sons of Mosiah faced after the time of their conversion and the great blessings that came to them because of their faithful obedience (see Alma 27:32-37). He seemed to appreciate their example and the promise that the Lord would give him the strength he would need and bless him beyond his current understanding. We're still waiting a little bit for their baptism because they haven't been regularly attending church and because Alex wants to wait until Andy, his closest friend in the ward, is back in town (several weeks from now).
I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to serve as a missionary! I love helping people to taste the fruit of the tree of life, or to feel the Love of God in their lives. Truly, "it is the most desirable above all things ... and the most joyous to the soul" (1 Nephi 11:22-23). I love you all!
Elder Cloward
P.S. A few pictures

- Family Home Evening sidewalk chalk activity

- We've had a few really nice sunsets lately.

- The three companionships that live in the LDS Student Living Center went out for IHOP this morning before transfers.