It's been snowy and cold this week, which has sort of limited us in what we've been able to do. Where normally we might have walked from door to door when tracting, we've done a lot more driving around, only getting out to knock when it looks like someone is home or when the Spirit tells us we'd better. In any case, I've set a new mission goal: Come home without getting frostbite once! (So far I've only talked to one missionary who's been frostbitten, mom, so don't flip out or anything.)
We do, however, have some great news this week! Three investigators have set baptismal dates in February! Two of the sisters we've been teaching have decided to be baptized (on February 8) and their older sister is still considering it as well. I may have mentioned that we met a couple last week that we began teaching; we have now taught them twice more and the husband would like to be baptized (on February 14). Transfer calls are coming on Friday and I've got a feeling I won't be staying, so I may not be here for the baptisms, but I would definitely like to be!
The biggest challenge to our missionary work is still the weather. Due to snow and Michigan road commissions being broke (it takes FOREVER for them to get all the roads plowed) church was canceled again this week. We took comfort in the fact that we would definitely have had five investigators there if we'd had church. It's sort of hard to invite people to learn more about a church that doesn't ever have meetings.
Well, I think that's all the news from Michigan. A couple more snow pictures, though! They're both from Greenbush, Michigan, a small town north of Oscoda.

Love you all,
Elder Cloward
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