Not a whole lot to report on this week. New Year's Eve was a lot of fun - we spent the evening with the Karns (the same member family with whom we spent Christmas Eve). They're the best! New Year's was fun as well, because lots of people were home and willing to talk with us, which is always nice.
We had trade-offs twice this week, so we got a lot of work done. Elder Fortuna, our district leader, and his companion, Elder Darley, whom he is training, came over Monday night and spent Tuesday with us. Then on Thursday we had tradeoffs with the "Traveling Trainers" - two excellent elders President Jones has temporarily given the assignment of traveling anywhere in the mission they want to go, getting to know the elders, especially us young ones, and helping us with our work. That was great.
We got two new investigators this week - both high school students that we found while tracting. The girl, whom I may have mentioned, that became a new investigator last week is now officially a progressing investigator - we taught her the Plan of Salvation and she is reading the Book of Mormon.
Unfortunately, freezing rain made church a no-go yet again this week. About half of the members came to church but we only had a ten-minute Sacrament meeting and then we all headed home. It was nice to at least take the Sacrament but I wish our investigators could have been there and had a real service. Maybe next week.
Not much else to report on. Zone conference this Wednesday, which I am very excited for. I've attached a bunch of pictures this week too. Lots of snow!
Captions por la fotografia:
#4 - It's tres cold.

#5 - Snowbanks are almost like mountains. If you squint a lot.

#6 - I call this one "The Frozen Photographer". That's Elder Sodenkamp.

#7 - We decided not to go down this street ...

#8 - This is Lake Huron. Not just the water part. Yep. The waves freeze over. Pretty crazy.

#9 - This is also Lake Huron. You can't really tell, but that formation is taller than me. Pretty crazy.

Love always,
Elder Cloward
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