For starters, this email may be brief and I'm typing it as quickly as I can because the library has changed their computer system so we're only allowed a half hour now. Murmuring is bad so I'm going to try not to murmur. Maybe.
The highlight of my week was most definitely SUNDAY. Because Sunday was awesome! Why was Sunday awesome? Because we had church! I might normally insert an "of course" after that statement, but seeing as the weather and the forces of evil have been conspiring against all our church-having recently, this is big news! And, of course, to make it all even better, we had two investigators there - the first time this transfer (well, last transfer actually - today's the first day of my fourth "transfer") we had any investigators at church. Two of those with baptismal dates were there (one of the sisters and the soon-to-be-married man) and both seemed to like it.
Elder Sodenkamp and I both had the opportunity to speak in Sacrament Meeting and we did pretty well, if I do say so myself. I spoke on my all-time favorite doctrine - that we are the literal spirit children of a loving Heavenly Father - and discussed what this meant for us before this life, what it means for us now, and what it will mean in the eternities. Good stuff.
I don't know if I've mentioned "quality gospel conversations" (QGC's) before - it's an indicator that our Mission President uses to keep track of our work. Elder Sodenkamp and I had a rather poor week with only 21 QGC's. But to make up for it we had 21 QGC's yesterday alone, so we're off to a good start for the week.
We attended a funeral for a branch member on Saturday, which was really nice. I hadn't met her because she's been entirely incapacitated the last few years, but I know many of her children and grandchildren that live in our branch. It was a beautiful service; my favorite part was when all her grandchildren sang "Families Can Be Together Forever". The Spirit was so strong. In the lid of her casket they had a picture of the Washington, D.C. Temple with the caption: "Sealed together for eternity, May 1, 1975". (I don't actually remember the date). It made me sad that I wasn't able to be there for Grandad's funeral, but at least I know I'll see him again.
Oh! I almost forgot to mention transfer calls! Friday was transfer-call day and both of us are staying! I'm glad to keep working with Elder Sodenkamp and in Oscoda. I guess President figured if it wasn't broke he wasn't gonna fix it. Or something like that. Boy, have we got him fooled :P. (Just kidding, mom. I'm a good little missionary :).)
I love you all and I'm happy to report that we're probably pretty close to halfway through winter. Everyone tells us the snow will probably melt at the end of April. Oh goody.
Elder Cloward
Monday, January 26, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
It Just Keeps Snowing!

It's been snowy and cold this week, which has sort of limited us in what we've been able to do. Where normally we might have walked from door to door when tracting, we've done a lot more driving around, only getting out to knock when it looks like someone is home or when the Spirit tells us we'd better. In any case, I've set a new mission goal: Come home without getting frostbite once! (So far I've only talked to one missionary who's been frostbitten, mom, so don't flip out or anything.)
We do, however, have some great news this week! Three investigators have set baptismal dates in February! Two of the sisters we've been teaching have decided to be baptized (on February 8) and their older sister is still considering it as well. I may have mentioned that we met a couple last week that we began teaching; we have now taught them twice more and the husband would like to be baptized (on February 14). Transfer calls are coming on Friday and I've got a feeling I won't be staying, so I may not be here for the baptisms, but I would definitely like to be!
The biggest challenge to our missionary work is still the weather. Due to snow and Michigan road commissions being broke (it takes FOREVER for them to get all the roads plowed) church was canceled again this week. We took comfort in the fact that we would definitely have had five investigators there if we'd had church. It's sort of hard to invite people to learn more about a church that doesn't ever have meetings.
Well, I think that's all the news from Michigan. A couple more snow pictures, though! They're both from Greenbush, Michigan, a small town north of Oscoda.

Love you all,
Elder Cloward
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Zone Conference Etc.
From and e-mail dated Jan. 12
Highlights of this week:
- Zone conference! So far our zone conferences have varied quite a bit in length, but this one took most of the day. President Jones talked at length about our mission-wide goal for 30 baptisms in February and especially the goal that every companionship should have to commit someone to baptism in February. The title of his remarks was "The Price for 30 in February" - referring to the price that we must pay in order to achieve our goals, specifically referring to four key teachings from the Epistle of James. We must 1) Ask in faith (James 1:5-6), 2) Be Doers of the Word (James 1:22), 3) Apply Faith and Works (James 2:17-18), and 4) Better Understand the Power of Christ's Atonement and God's Plan of Salvation (James 5:19-20). Good stuff!
And also, I took a picture with Elder Valentine at Zone Conference, which I've attached.

- 3 new investigators, all of which we found while tracting (which we have been doing an awful lot of lately). It may not be the most creative or exciting way to find those who will receive the restored gospel, but I suppose it can still get the job done. We're having a hard time meeting back up with any of the 5 investigators we've found in the past 2 weeks, so we are hoping at least a few of them have a real interest in learning more about the Restoration.
- It hasn't yet dipped below zero this year! On New Year's Eve it got down to 8 below, but the coldest I've seen in 2009 is 3 degrees! Here's to waiting until next winter to see the negative end again!
I love you all and hope you are doing well,
Elder Cloward
Highlights of this week:
- Zone conference! So far our zone conferences have varied quite a bit in length, but this one took most of the day. President Jones talked at length about our mission-wide goal for 30 baptisms in February and especially the goal that every companionship should have to commit someone to baptism in February. The title of his remarks was "The Price for 30 in February" - referring to the price that we must pay in order to achieve our goals, specifically referring to four key teachings from the Epistle of James. We must 1) Ask in faith (James 1:5-6), 2) Be Doers of the Word (James 1:22), 3) Apply Faith and Works (James 2:17-18), and 4) Better Understand the Power of Christ's Atonement and God's Plan of Salvation (James 5:19-20). Good stuff!
And also, I took a picture with Elder Valentine at Zone Conference, which I've attached.

- 3 new investigators, all of which we found while tracting (which we have been doing an awful lot of lately). It may not be the most creative or exciting way to find those who will receive the restored gospel, but I suppose it can still get the job done. We're having a hard time meeting back up with any of the 5 investigators we've found in the past 2 weeks, so we are hoping at least a few of them have a real interest in learning more about the Restoration.
- It hasn't yet dipped below zero this year! On New Year's Eve it got down to 8 below, but the coldest I've seen in 2009 is 3 degrees! Here's to waiting until next winter to see the negative end again!
I love you all and hope you are doing well,
Elder Cloward
Monday, January 5, 2009
Hallo Familie!
Not a whole lot to report on this week. New Year's Eve was a lot of fun - we spent the evening with the Karns (the same member family with whom we spent Christmas Eve). They're the best! New Year's was fun as well, because lots of people were home and willing to talk with us, which is always nice.
We had trade-offs twice this week, so we got a lot of work done. Elder Fortuna, our district leader, and his companion, Elder Darley, whom he is training, came over Monday night and spent Tuesday with us. Then on Thursday we had tradeoffs with the "Traveling Trainers" - two excellent elders President Jones has temporarily given the assignment of traveling anywhere in the mission they want to go, getting to know the elders, especially us young ones, and helping us with our work. That was great.
We got two new investigators this week - both high school students that we found while tracting. The girl, whom I may have mentioned, that became a new investigator last week is now officially a progressing investigator - we taught her the Plan of Salvation and she is reading the Book of Mormon.
Unfortunately, freezing rain made church a no-go yet again this week. About half of the members came to church but we only had a ten-minute Sacrament meeting and then we all headed home. It was nice to at least take the Sacrament but I wish our investigators could have been there and had a real service. Maybe next week.
Not much else to report on. Zone conference this Wednesday, which I am very excited for. I've attached a bunch of pictures this week too. Lots of snow!
Captions por la fotografia:
#4 - It's tres cold.

#5 - Snowbanks are almost like mountains. If you squint a lot.

#6 - I call this one "The Frozen Photographer". That's Elder Sodenkamp.

#7 - We decided not to go down this street ...

#8 - This is Lake Huron. Not just the water part. Yep. The waves freeze over. Pretty crazy.

#9 - This is also Lake Huron. You can't really tell, but that formation is taller than me. Pretty crazy.

Love always,
Elder Cloward
Not a whole lot to report on this week. New Year's Eve was a lot of fun - we spent the evening with the Karns (the same member family with whom we spent Christmas Eve). They're the best! New Year's was fun as well, because lots of people were home and willing to talk with us, which is always nice.
We had trade-offs twice this week, so we got a lot of work done. Elder Fortuna, our district leader, and his companion, Elder Darley, whom he is training, came over Monday night and spent Tuesday with us. Then on Thursday we had tradeoffs with the "Traveling Trainers" - two excellent elders President Jones has temporarily given the assignment of traveling anywhere in the mission they want to go, getting to know the elders, especially us young ones, and helping us with our work. That was great.
We got two new investigators this week - both high school students that we found while tracting. The girl, whom I may have mentioned, that became a new investigator last week is now officially a progressing investigator - we taught her the Plan of Salvation and she is reading the Book of Mormon.
Unfortunately, freezing rain made church a no-go yet again this week. About half of the members came to church but we only had a ten-minute Sacrament meeting and then we all headed home. It was nice to at least take the Sacrament but I wish our investigators could have been there and had a real service. Maybe next week.
Not much else to report on. Zone conference this Wednesday, which I am very excited for. I've attached a bunch of pictures this week too. Lots of snow!
Captions por la fotografia:
#4 - It's tres cold.

#5 - Snowbanks are almost like mountains. If you squint a lot.

#6 - I call this one "The Frozen Photographer". That's Elder Sodenkamp.

#7 - We decided not to go down this street ...

#8 - This is Lake Huron. Not just the water part. Yep. The waves freeze over. Pretty crazy.

#9 - This is also Lake Huron. You can't really tell, but that formation is taller than me. Pretty crazy.

Love always,
Elder Cloward
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