Hi family!
We've been greatly blessed this week by an abundance of the Spirit and by many miracles in our area and throughout the mission. One thing I love about my current assignment is the opportunity to hear of successes in so many places throughout the mission. It leaves me without any doubt that the Lord is driving this work.
Zone Leader Council on Tuesday was great. The Spirit was strong and I learned a lot. President Jones gave some great instruction based on the new simplified curriculum framework which contributed to a discussion we had on boldness. We walked out of that meeting determined to more boldly invite others to come unto Christ, especially focusing on early invitations to be baptized and having kneeling prayers in which investigators themselves offer the prayer. The simplified curriculum more solidly focuses on spiritual conversion and the learning by faith (through exercise of moral agency) required in order to experience a spiritual conversion to become a disciple of Christ.
President Jones also issued the challenge to all mission leaders to have at least two new investigators each week through the rest of August (and then every week after that). Finding new people to teach has continued to be the biggest challenge our mission faces. I am confident, however, that our mission is in a better position to enact positive change than we have ever been. In our own area, we were a little nervous about this challenge by the time Friday rolled around and we found ourselves with no new investigators. So, we made plans, set goals, and prayed in faith, asking the Lord to lead us to those whom He has prepared. Friday I had an exchange with Elder Barney here at MSU. While going door-to-door in Cedar Village (a campus apartment complex) we were invited in by an MSU student named Steve. He's a linguistics major from China who has heard a little about the church because he heard about our temples when he visited Hong Kong and his adviser recommended he attend Brigham Young for graduate school. Anyway, he was great and very open and curious. We're teaching him again tonight. Saturday, back with Elder Taylor, we had a similar experience with a Roman Catholic student from Poland named Martin. He was funny - he was nervous he would offend us asking questions about the South Park episode on Mormonism. We ended up having a really great discussion and he was interested in learning more; we're meeting with him again this next Saturday.
Cameren, a 19-year-old we started teaching through his friend James, who is a less-active member of the church, and their friend Denise, both excitedly set baptismal dates for the 9th of October this week. Cameren is way excited about the church; he came this Sunday and spent the weekend with ward members on a ward campout out by Silver Lake. He had a great time and even shared his testimony at a campfire meeting they had.
I love you all! I love missionary work! (I got to give a talk all about why people should go on missions in church yesterday and had so much fun!) I love the gospel of Jesus Christ! It truly is "the power of God unto salvation, to everyone that believeth" (Romans 1:16)!
Have a great week!
Elder Cloward
A picture of downtown Lansing as we drove down that way last Thursday (above) and a couple pictures from the Ward's wheelchair basketball activity. Lots of fun!

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