We've had a good week. We had a lot of transfer planning to do, so we met with President Jones on Tuesday and Thursday (we would have met Wednesday but we had our last temple trip) and even made some last minute changes Friday morning before transfer calls. Sister Jones told us afterward that she had never seen President Jones spend as much time deliberating over a transfer. More than in any previous transfer experience, I felt the assurance of the Holy Ghost that the decisions made were according to the will of God. It's always fun to be a part of transfers.

Ashlie Beebe was baptized on Saturday (by Elder Taylor) and confirmed yesterday (by me). She bore her testimony at the baptism, which was awesome! She talked about her experience in the lesson in which she asked us why she always felt so happy when we were over for a lesson. I had recognized it as a big step for her as we explained that these feelings came from the Holy Ghost but I think I still underestimated the significance of that experience in her conversion. She said that when Elder Valentine and I (we were on a companion exchange) testified that her good feelings came from the Holy Ghost she was totally taken back. Although we had taught and talked about the Holy Ghost previously, the thought had never crossed her mind that she was feeling the Spirit of God communicate to her. I think that may have been the moment in which she came to a full recognition of the reality of God. (She is a very scientifically-minded person and had always felt previously that she could never know for sure if there was such a being as God.) It was really cool to hear her share her testimony.
We had a couple of good lessons with other investigators this week. Alex, whom we have taught for about three weeks, has decided he would like to be baptized as well and he's now preparing to be baptized on July 10. I hope and pray that we can continue to be led by the Lord to those whom He has prepared to receive the message of the restored gospel.
I feel like the Lord has taught me a lot this week about the righteous use of agency to determine our personal perspective and attitude. Inasmuch as repentance is a change from a state contrary to the nature of God to a state in line with His will, intellectual/mental repentance (i.e., changing our patterns of thought, shifting our paradigm) is as much a necessity as behavioral repentance. I think that's part of what the Lord means when He commands us to love God with all our heart, might, mind, and strength. The Spirit has specifically directed me this week to changes I need to make in my mind and my heart in order to see things as He sees them - as they really are.
I love you! Thanks for your prayers, your emails and letters, and all your support! Thanks for being a family focused on Christ!
Have a great week!
Elder Cloward
P.S. The pictures are ...

- You wish you could go through the Employee Entrance.
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