Hi family!
Sorry I don't have a ton of time to write this week. I spent most of my email time trying to figure out what in the world I've got to do in order to be able to advance register for fall classes in a couple of weeks. It's a little bit challenging when everything is online and I only get an hour of internet use each week. Registration doesn't end until April, though, so I'm not stressing about it just yet. At least not too much. :)
This was a great week. I think I'll just share a few of my favorite experiences.
Saturday morning, I went with Elder Rawlings to teach our Chinese friend, Xifu. He had been reading the Book of Mormon and had lots of questions, which always makes a lesson more fun. We talked about how the only way to know if the book is true is to pray and ask God. Xifu had not prayed before, so we taught him some of the basic steps of prayer and then he offered the best prayer I've ever heard in my life. The Spirit powerfully filled the room as he sincerely asked the Lord if the Book of Mormon was true and as he asked God to help him understand the things he is studying in English because the culture and language in the United States are so foreign to him. It was one of the best lessons I've ever been a part of as a missionary.
Lindsey, a girl we've taught the past few weeks, is doing really well. She is planning to be baptized on April 17th but is having some real challenges because her parents aren't exactly thrilled about it. Her mom is okay with it after we met with her and Lindsey both last week, but her dad hates the idea. In spite of some arguments they've had, she continues to tell us that she's feeling happier than she has ever felt in her life, she loves coming to church, and she knows that the things we are teaching are true. She was in church yesterday and got a priesthood blessing because she was feeling sick.
We began teaching a member's boyfriend named Levi this week. He's way cool! He has already read a lot of the Book of Mormon and believes that it is true. He said that our message makes a lot of sense. I'm excited to see him again this Wednesday. Should be a good lesson.
Love you all! Thanks for all your support!
Elder Cloward
P.S. Plus: pictures with the new missionaries (above) and the Kalamazoo elders' car buried in the snow!

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