We had a good week here in Bay City. How about a few crazy and/or exciting highlights?
Highlight #1: Jacob was baptized yesterday. The service was really nice; it was all done by the young men since they're Jacob's main fellowshippers (he's 17). He was baptized by Weston, and the talks were given by Daniel and Donald. Not that you know any of them. But they're cool kids, I promise :).
Highlight #2: We taught 21 lessons. Elder Taylor and I set a transfer goal for to reach the mission standard of 20 lessons at least 3 of the 6 weeks. We worked hard to reach the standard last week and I'm excited to work just as hard this week. Teaching becomes its own incentive the more that we do.
Highlight #3: We unveiled our new zone goal. It was in response to a new mission policy that any area that does not either find four new investigators or have one baptism in any one month will not have a car for the entire following month. Hence, Elder Taylor and I developed "No Car Left Behind" - the title of the Midland zone's goal to keep all of our cars in February.
Highlight #4: We looked at lobsters while we were at the store today. They looked so lonely in their tank. It made me want to take one home and boil it.
Highlight #5: Lots of snow!
Highlight #6: I love the Book of Mormon! This transfer our mission is focused on chapter 5 of Preach My Gospel (which is focused on the Book of Mormon) and I am having a blast studying and testifying of the Book of Mormon more regularly than ever before. The book is true! It is a powerful witness to the world that Jesus Christ is the Savior and that faith in Him and obedience to the laws and ordinances of His gospel will give anyone willing the power to overcome personal challenges and receive salvation by His grace! All of our questions can be answered as we prayerfully study from the scriptures and strive to do the will of our Heavenly Father!
Highlight #7: Just a few more days now and I'll be companion to a translated being. I haven't figure out exactly what is holding Elder Taylor back from perfection just yet. Maybe he just needs to finish reading through the New Testament. I'll have to steal his Bible so he can stay here with me a little bit longer.
I love you all! Thanks for your love and your prayers!
Elder Cloward
Hi Again!
I realized I forgot to attach a picture! And also I did not explain the subject of my email! We have lots of cookies! And then we got more! Hence, "more cookies"!
Elder Cloward
Elder Taylor.

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