How's it going? I hope you have fun Turkey-day plans. I'm excited for our three Thanksgiving dinners this week (all different days, mind you). We've also been having some fun lessons incorporating the principle of gratitude. If any of you haven't seen the Thanksgiving MormonMessages video on yet, it's really good. Go check it out. Right now!
And, since our week was so action-packed, I think I'll give you a day-by-day play-by-play:
Tuesday: We picked up Elder Alder in Mt. Pleasant. It's been interesting having a third companion. (To answer your question mom, he's not a zone leader with Elder Morales and me.) Teaching, finding, everything is a lot different with three of us. We're adjusting well, I think, and we're excited to start exploring the possibilities for splits to double our impact.
Right after transfers we held our first district leader council, something we decided to start doing after Elder Pieper talked with us. I think it went really well; I'm excited to be working with all our awesome district leaders this transfer. We're all really excited for our mission goal for a baptism in every companionship this Christmas.
Wednesday: I don't actually remember ...
Thursday: We did some "advanced-level planning" (those were Elder Alder's words) and taught a few really great lessons with some less-active members of the Church. I'm really excited to be in Bay City at this time.
Friday: Sara's baptism! Everything went really well and we had lots of members there. Another investigator, Mike, came to the baptism and loved it. He's way pumped for his baptism next Sunday.
Saturday: Lots and lots of finding. We were really working to reach our goal for three new people to teach but didn't see the success we hoped for. It's a great opportunity to learn to have patience in waiting for the Lord to fulfill His promises. :) At least that's what I decided to tell myself after a great lesson on faith on ...
Sunday: Sara was confirmed in a really great Sacrament meeting. We stopped by to visit her later in the day. She had earlier asked if she would feel different after being baptized and confirmed. I told her I wasn't really sure, since I don't remember how I felt after I was baptized when I was 8. Anyway, I asked her last night if she felt any different and she said she did. She said it wasn't anything really dramatic but she could just tell that something had changed inside her. I'm excited for her continued growth in the gospel.
I love you all and hope you have a very merry Thanksgiving! Thanks for being the best family in the world!
Elder Cloward
P.S. 2 Pictures

I made delicious salads for me, Elder Morales, and Elder Alder with breaded chicken breasts in a sweet ginger teriyaki sauce, fried mushrooms, and spicy nutmeg carrots.

#2 - Me, Sara, and Elder Morales at the baptism.
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