The subject of this letter will be finding because the subject of my life at this moment is finding. Finding, finding, finding. (We'll try not to forget about teaching and baptizing, the other two members of the tripartite pact, but for now we're finding). Did I mention finding?
I'm sure I've mentioned before, but in effectivity analyses of our mission, Salt lake has continually told us that our greatest weakness is in finding new investigators (people to teach). According to our statistics we're very effective teachers, we just need more people to teach. So, President Jones has been continually asking us to focus our efforts on consistently finding new investigators, specifically the standard of three new investigators per companionship per week.
Elder Morales and I have hit the ground running, really wanting to help the missionaries in our zone begin working toward that goal. After some prayer and a lot of thought and discussion, we came up with a goal for our zone of "90 by the 9th". 90 new investigators, total, for the zone within the first 5 weeks of the transfer, or by the 9th of November. It's only halfway to the standard, requiring just 1.5 new investigators per companionship per week, but it requires more per week than the zone has previously done. We feel really good about it, President Jones felt really good about it, and we're excited to help the missionaries acheive it. Prayers for us would be great.
President Jones has talked lately about the importance of miracles in this work. In Moroni 7:37, Mormon teaches us "it is by faith that miracles are wrought; and it is by faith that angels appear and minister unto men; wherefore, if these things have ceased wo be unto the children of men, for it is because of unbelief, and all is vain." We've been striving to have the faith required for miracles to happen. Well, Elder Morales and I have been working hard each day to find a new investigator, doing everything we know how to do. Saturday night we were exhausted and disappointed to be ending the week without finding a single new person to teach. And the Lord blessed us with a miracle! A less-active family came to church and brought a friend who really wanted to learn more about the church! And we taught her! And she was really receptive! Later, another less-active member invited a friend to join our lesson! And we taught her! And she was really receptive! We trust that by our faith the Lord will continue to provide these and greater miracles.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is miraculous and has power to change our hearts and our lives! Jesus Christ lives! He has restored His church and kingdom to the earth in preparation for His Second Coming!
I love you all!
Elder Cloward
P.S. A couple of pictures of me and Elder Morales.

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