Me and Elder Weaver in our hawaiian gear
Hello Family!
We had a great week. Here are some highlights:
1. 3 days of trade-offs. I spent Tuesday in Grand Rapids with Elder Lopez. We had a good day there and made a couple new contacts for them. President Jones, as I think I might have mentioned, has challenged us to have three new investigators per companionship per week and has said that the first zone to reach a zone total of three per companionship for two weeks in a row will get some kind of special activity. The word on the street says that special activity will be a temple trip, assuming President Jones can get permission from Salt Lake. Anyway, Elders Lopez and Guedez, our zone leaders are really pushing it for our zone, so spending the day with Elder Lopez got me excited about it.
My second trade-off was with Elder Andersen, one of the Elders in North Muskegon, with whom I spent most of Wednesday and Thursday (normally we would have traded back Thursday morning but they got a ride from a member for that since it's the end of the month and we all have no miles to spare). If you'll recall, I was with Elder Andersen in the MTC and haven't spoken with him much since. We had a good trade-off, had some good teaching appointments, and got SOAKED while biking in a sudden thunderstorm.
2. We had Cindi in church again this week. She's progressing really well - we're planning to set a baptismal date with her tomorrow night. Sunday we had some AWESOME meetings (it was Branch Conference) and a delicious potluck afterwards, where Cindi enjoyed a lot of fellowship from branch and stake members. Also in church, Elder Weaver and I sang acapella with an octet that performed "Be Still, My Soul". It went really well.
3. We found five new investigators! And they're all pretty awesome! The most awesome came out of a challenge we issued to the Brown family to have someone for us to teach in their home within three weeks. They started two weeks ago with a fast and have been working on it ever since. When they realized Bro. Brown would be gone at Scout Camp the whole third week, they decided they had to get 'er done! They invited one family to meet with us, whom they'd been thinking a lot about, but they weren't available for Friday or Saturday. So, Sis. Brown asked her five-year-old daughter whom they should invite. She listened to her daughter and invited the wife of a church member, who, much to everyone's surprise, graciously accepted the offer. And we taught her and it was great and we're teaching her again on Thursday.
4. I'm a little bit dumb. I locked our keys in the car. The wrecker came to jimmy them open this morning and it cost me $50. Not that cool.
5. We helped out at the nursing home's annual picnic, which had a Hawaiian theme this year. So ... they dressed us in Hawaiian shirts and grass skirts and had us help the residents with pineapple bowling. Some real live Hawaiian dancers also taught us how to hula. Well, taught me how to hula. Elder Weaver was a wuss and just sat there eating while I hula'd in front of everyone :).
Love you all,
Elder Cloward
P.S. I've attached several pictures. The first is

Elder Andersen with an old lady we met while knocking doors. One is from the pioneer picnic last week (watermelon-eating).

and I threw in a gorgeous view from the bike trail for good measure.

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