Monday, September 15, 2008

2nd E-mail from the MTC

Hi Family!Thanks for your letters! You are definitely allowed to email me (at this address) all you want. I can only check email on preparation day (and can only send it then too) but you can email me every day of the week, if you'd like. I wouldn't expect too many more letters from me. As long as President Jones follows the same protocol as the MTC I should be able to email and that's a lot more convenient, anyway. And thanks for posting that last email on the blog - as long as I don't say anything too personal (you know, like having a really rancid fungus) you can definitely post them on there. You should all feel free to add your own posts too, you know, all about how much you miss me, and you cried three cubic inches of tears during the last week, whatever. :)This week has been great. President Uchtdorf spoke at our MTC devotional Tuesday night, which was fantastic! His wife spoke first - she was really funny as she told of her family's conversion in her much-thicker-than-her-husband's accent. President Uchtdorf spoke about a lot of things but a couple of things especially stuck out to me. He told the missionaries that we can consider ourselves the extended arm of the quorum of the twelve apostles, fulfilling the commission the Savior gave his original apostles in Matthew 28. He warned us of pride and taught us that we must humble ourselves before God or we cannot be effective missionaries. He noted that while we are busy learning so many things by heart, it was important that we actually embed them in our hearts that we might always teach from the heart. In any case, it was wonderful to hear an apostle of the Lord speak - I can't wait for General Conference!Elder Johansson and I have two teaching appointments so far - last Wednesday and Saturday. I don't know if they had them when you were here, mom, but it's where you teach a lesson to volunteers from the community who pose as investigators. Both times we taught lesson one, but we're finishing our lesson plan of salvation (for lesson two) in preparation for our third appointment on Wednesday. I feel like we've done pretty well, but there is still so much to learn.I've run into Elder Tubbs a couple of times - I think we have class in the same building. He seems to have survived his first week; after that, it's easy and goes really fast. I can't believe I'm on my last full week here already! I love our Branch Presidency and I'm so grateful to have gotten to know them. I hate to pick favorites (not really), but Brother McIff, the first counselor (actually released yesterday), is mine. He's a master teacher and has a strong testimony of the Savior. He's a heart surgeon and has been called to serve as the Medical Director for the Northeastern United States and Canada, so he and his wife will soon be living in the MTC. They haven't called a new counselor yet, but I think they're going to this Sunday. I also love President Patterson, and our second counselor, Brother Stacey, but I haven't gotten to know them as personally, at least not yet. Brother Stacey did give an excellent leadership training meeting on accountability yesterday. That makes me remember, Elder Johansson and I are the zone leaders for this last week. It doesn't sound like we'll have too much to do - we give part of the orientation to the new district that comes in Wednesday, make sure people go to bed on time, and encourage everyone to keep their rooms clean. It is a little intimidating, though, to be expected to be an example, especially when President Patterson always refers to us as the "obedient branch" - Branch 24 is obedient 24 hours a day. So anyway, that should be fun.Not much else is going on. Our roommates, Elder Jensen and Elder Shrecengost are leaving tomorrow (for Eugene, Oregon) so we'll get two new elders on Wednesday. Elder Johansson and I have already made plans to scare them into going home early ;). We got our travel plans a couple of days ago. We live on the 24th at 5 AM. We're flying Delta to Grand Rapids with a short layover in Cincinnatti. I'm excited to drive to Lansing that first day we get there - Michigan should be looking really nice as the trees are starting to turn colors. Isaac - although I have forgotten your email address, I still expect you to read these and I would LOVE to hear from you. I'm going to choose to assume that I just haven't gotten the numerous letters you've already sent me ;). Anyway, you rock! I hope you're enjoying your first real year of high school. I know, though, that it's not really any different - just another year at West High - which is NEVER JUST ANOTHER YEAR! WOOHOO! WEST HIGH PRIDE!Jacob - I'm so excited that you're doing Sports Machine! Don't even think that you're not as good at it as Alex and I were - as if we said anything intelligent! As long as you insult girls frequently and talk about sports unintelligently you'll be doing at least as much as I ever did. I hope your seminary video worked out, since I suppose you've already finished it by now. Also, I would really encourage you to start studying from Preach My Gospel (if you don't already). I thought I had done a good job preparing, but there is just so much to know! Preach My Gospel is a wonderful tool. I think it was President Packer who said it was written on the other side of the veil and compiled here. I know that must be true! It will enlighten your scripture study and help you understand why it is we have been asked to share the gospel and serve as missionaries.Anyway, I'm out of time, but I LOVE YOU ALL! THANKS FOR YOUR PRAYERS! LOVE,Elder Cloward

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