Dear Family,
Hi! So, I've decided that President Jones must love me a lot. Because he's sent me to the best areas in the mission, by far. Petoskey, a.k.a. Paradise, Oscoda, and now Hart. The Hart branch is just bigger than the Oscoda branch, although our area is just smaller. They're really missionary-minded with lots of recent converts and everyone is so awesome! For instance, we have dinner EVERY night this week and, well, they're just all really great. I'm very excited to work here.
One unfortunate thing about the area is that we have no currently progressing investigators. We have one man, whom I haven't yet met, who is an 'eternal investigator' but other than that we don't have anyone at all to teach. They had a baptism two weeks ago, though. It just means we've got a lot of finding work to do. Thank goodness it's been warmer!
Elder Arroyo, my companion, is pretty neat. He's from Colorado Springs, he's trained in Capoeira (a really neat Brazilian martial art), and he's Puerto Rican, hence the hispanic last name, although he doesn't speak Spanish. Which is unfortunate, since there are a lot of hispanics in this area. As a result, I've taken up reading El Libro de Mormon in my spare time. I'm slowly working my way through all the crazy past and future tenses and all the little words it repeats over and over again that I haven't managed to completely understand (for instance 'he' and 'lo' and 'ya'). But it's kind of fun and I actually understand it pretty easily. Reading it, that is. I don't think I'll ever be able to speak Spanish learning this way. C'est la vie.
Oh, and guess what! I'm going to a chiropractor today and I'm really excited because my back has been killing me. One of the brothers in our branch is a chiropractor and is willing to give us free back adjustments every preparation day, so we're going to drive up to Hart later. We actually live in Shelby, a small town about 5 miles south of Hart.
The elders here have been doing a lot of service at Shelby High. Two former wrestlers served here together two transfers ago and helped coach the Shelby High wrestling team. Anyway, we're continuing with the track team because they need the help. Unfortunately, I'm the one with running "experience". I'm sure they'll realize how limited my cross-country experience was as soon as I do any running. Oh well. I'm the coach - I don't have to be good at running :P.
Sorry the pictures didn't come through last week. I would send them this week but I didn't bring my camera to the library.
Love you all honey bunches of oats! (with strawberries)
Elder Cloward